Markus Schatten
Faculty of Organization and Informatics – University of Zagreb,Varaždin, Croatia
Received: 13 October 2008. Accepted: 5 January 2009.
Autopoietic theory which represents a framework for describing complex non-linear and especially living systems is described in a context of biometric characteristics. It is argued that any living system by performing an internal process of reproducing its structural components yields physical biometric characteristics. Likewise any living system when structurally coupling to another (eventually allopoietic) system yields a behavioral or psychological characteristic of the living system. It is shown that any system that can be considered as autopoietic can potentially be measured, authenticated and/or identified using adequate biometric methods, and thus biometrics is applicable to any autopoietic system: living beings, groups of living beings, social systems, organizations as well as information systems. In the end implications of such a conceptualization are discussed as well as possible applications.
autopoiesis, biometrics, structural coupling, component reproduction
AMS: 68T05, 68T10, 91C99, 92B99, 93B99
JEL: Q57
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