Josip Stepanić
Department of Quality,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia
Received: 19 September, 2003. Accepted: 4 October, 2003.
Many types of human interaction are mediated processes.However, regarding the details of human description, the mediating unit structure anddynamics is not developed appropriately. The explicit concentration on mediators contributesto understanding of interplay between value sets governing interaction, interaction roles inregular activities and interaction design for purpose. This article is a contribution todevelopment of a concept of mediated human interaction through structuring of mediatedelements.
The origin of mediators is the environment, here interpreted as a collection ofexcitations. Among the excitations, the extracted subgroups are elementary environmentexcitations (EEE) - which have recognised functions in a local value set, and exchangeableEEEs or mediators - which are used regularly in human interaction. The collection ofrelations of a human and an EEE is called a vertex. The vertex combines initial and finalhuman states with the EEE. The vertex formally expresses probability that a particularcombination of a human state and an EEE brings about a given final human state. Combinationof vertices brings about general human-environment and human-human interaction.
environment, excitations, human-environment interaction,mediator, vertex
JEL: C63 PACS: 89.75.Kd PsycINFO: 2240
*Extended version of article presented at ConferenceNew Directions in Modern Sociology, Zagreb, 19 October, 2001
Full paper as pdf version.