Mirta Galešić1 and Josip Stepanić2
1Department of Psychology,Philosophical Faculty, University of Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia
2Department of Quality,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia
Received: 9 September, 2003. Accepted: 26 September, 2003.
E-mail mediated communication rapidly intensifies, both inquantity and quality and so does the need to understand its psycho-social context.
In this article we formulated a model of psycho-social elements of the process ofreceiving an e-mail. The corresponding technique starts by recognising the relevant statesof a human receiver and a received e-mail. The states are parameterised, paying specialattention to the description of receiver's emotional states, as the event of receiving ismore localised in time than that of sending an e-mail. Possible changes are collected into avertex, a structure expressing the probability that a received e-mail induces the receiverfrom initial state into a given final state. We conducted a preliminary study that included87 e-mail messages. 97 attributes were determined for each of the considered e-mails. Theanalysis shows that acceptance and total receiver's change of state induced by e-mailsdepend on the combination of several e-mail characteristics. These are interpreted asprojections of the sender's states. In this view the e-mail arises as a discrete unit witha finite spectrum of transferable qualities, mediating complex human interaction.
e-mail mediated communication, mediators, vertex
ACM Categories and
subject descriptors: H5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]:
Group and Organization Interfaces - Asynchronous interactionPACS: 89.75.Fb PsycINFO: 2260, 2360
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