INDECS - Paper abstract

Éva Hideg1

1Futures Studies Department, Corvinus University of Budapest
 Budapest, Hungary

Received: 15 October, 2006. Accepted: 15 January, 2007.


The aim of this paper to present some items of emergence in the foresight that should be meant and handled scientifically. It highlights three resources of social emergence. One of them is originated from the development of shared future views at a community level from the individual future shapes. The second one is originated from the relations among the foresight and its social environment and the outer conditions. The third one is originated from the double loop of discourse between subjective – inter-subjective and human – non-human world. The paper reasons that a meta-theory and an extended participatory approach should be needed to research, study and give meaning complex social emergence in the foresight.


futures studies, foresight, social emergence


ACM: Categories and descriptors: J.4 [Computer Applications]; Social and behavioral sciences
APA: 3040, 4010
JEL: A10
PACS: 87.23.Ge, 89.75.-k

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