Sergey B. Kulikov
Tomsk State Pedagogical UniversityTomsk, Russian Federation
INDECS 13(1), 167-172, 2015 DOI 10.7906/indecs.13.1.15 Full text available here. |
Received: 19 November 2014. |
The aim of this article is to defend the thesis that analysis of time meaning within history and
philosophy of natural sciences and philosophical anthropology allows making clear the basis of human being. It's opened the
opportunity of constructing special model of general understanding of time as a creation of nature or as a creation of human.
Two main methods are used: comparative analysis and hermeneutics.
Article presents the discussion of following results.
Orientation on discretization and virtual nature of cultural interaction, or orientation on mutual tension of limits of cultural
and historical process allows connecting philosophy of natural sciences and philosophical anthropology with system of physical
categories: energy, weight, distance, etc. It finds an application as in the physical and mathematical sphere so in the field of
humanistic studies. The general conclusion made is that neither nature nor human solely creates the time. Time is an imaginary
phenomenon connecting human activity and natural processes in the limits of human consciousness.
time ontology, meaning of time in physical and mathematical science, meaning of time in philosophical anthropology, creator of time
APA: 2340, 2630, 4010
JEL: O30
PACS: 04.90.+e