Petar Nastastić Received: 25th January 2020. ABSTRACT The roots of system-group family therapy in alcoholism, from which the Belgrade School, originated
in the socio-psychiatric paradigm (medical model of addiction, psychodynamic orientation and socialization of psychiatry), Led by
these socio-psychiatric paradigm was in 1963. formed the Institute for Mental Health and on the same day formed
Socio-Therapeuttic-Club of treated alcoholics.Involvement of addict's wife and other family members, and later the professional
environment in treatment began in the late 1970s, when The Day Hospital for Family Alcohol Therapy (1978) has been formed. A general
system theory was introduced very consistently into this therapeutic model, which included emphasizing the psychoeducation of the
identified patient and family members as well as the formation of therapeutic groups of multiple families as a form of prolonged
treatment (stabilization phase), while, in the same time, preserving the concept of the therapeutic community and socio-therapeutic
clubs as a form of prolonged treatment or recovery. The basis of the family-system therapy concept of the "Belgrade School of
Addictology" is related to understanding the process of systemic equilibrium, through the processes of morphogenesis and
homeostasis, namely through the understanding of pathological aspects of homeostasis called "processes of adjustment of the
alcoholic family or system". Eco-system processes significantly determine the characteristics of individuals, families, social
institutions, as well as the characteristics of health and specificity of the disease. With that on mind, it is necessary to
understand the transformation of therapeutic models that obviously cannot be purely medical, not as purely psychiatric. It has to
be understood as a variable and individualized living processes. KEY WORDS CLASSIFICATION
College of Social Work
Belgrade, Serbia
INDECS 18(1), 1-14, 2020
DOI 10.7906/indecs.18.1.1
Full text available here.
Accepted: 27th February 2020.
Regular article
addiction, systems theory, family therapy
APA: 3233, 3313
JEL: D19