Maria LuskovaORCID logo, Maria HudakovaORCID logo, Katarina BuganovaORCID logo and Patrik LahutaORCID logo

University of Zilina - Faculty of Security Engineering
Žilina, Slovakia
INDECS 21(3), 247-262, 2023
DOI 10.7906/indecs.21.3.3
Full text available in pdf pdf icon and xml XML icon formats.

Received: 15th March 2022.
Accepted: 23rd June 2023.
Regular article


Sport organizations, like economic sectors, are currently particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ban on the organization of mass events of a sporting nature and subsequently also the operation of physical education and sports facilities significantly affected the activities of sport organizations or, to be precise, paralyzed their activities in almost all countries. One of the tools for improving the readiness to manage negative events affecting the existence of sport organizations is the creation of a job position of a risk manager and the implementation of the risk management process in the management of sport organizations. The aim of the article is to evaluate the current state of sport organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia and abroad, to highlight the importance of including the position of a risk manager in sport organizations and to present the various stages of the risk management implementation process in sport organizations.

sport organization, risk, risk manager, pandemic, risk treatment

JEL:Z2, Z23, Z28, Z29

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