Gyula Mester
Óbuda University Received: 15th July 2022. ABSTRACT The article presents the latest ranking list of Hungarian scientists in 2023. The ranking is presented
primarily according to the h-index of scientists. Scientists with the same h-index are ranked by the
number of citations. We present the top 34 Hungarian scientists with the minimum h-index 104. h-index
can be determined from the following online databases: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and
the Publish or Perish program. The ranking is edited using the Google Scholar database. We also present
the Orcid ID number of scientists. The first chapter is the introduction, in the second chapter we present
the latest ranking list of Hungarian scientists in 2023, the third chapter is the conclusions. KEY WORDS CLASSIFICATION
Budapest, Hungary
INDECS 21(4), 333-340, 2023
DOI 10.7906/indecs.21.4.2
Full text available in
pdf and
xml formats.
Accepted: 23rd July 2023.
Regular article
Hungarian scientists, Google Scholar, h-index, citations, Orcid ID
ACM: K.4.2
JEL: Z19