Dalma Zilahy and
Gyula Mester
Óbuda University – Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences Received: 8th June 2023. ABSTRACT Reducing the negative emotions experienced in Self-Driving cars is key to increasing the number
of users. To reduce anxiety, AI-based systems that measure the physiological response of
passengers, mainly using biometric data, are used. In the future, the vehicle must be sufficiently
emptical to reduce people’s distrust. The potential for hacking is still one of the main sources of
anxiety about Self-Driving cars. To live with this difficulty, users need to be confronted with
what machine learning means and accept that, contrary to expectations, Self-Driving cars cannot
yet be 4 or 5 times safer than manual driving. To achieve the greater good – energy savings and
lower emissions, efficient transport networks, greater use of digital infrastructure, safer and more
usable public spaces, etc. – we need to be patient with Self-Driving vehicles. KEY WORDS CLASSIFICATION
Budapest, Hungary
INDECS 21(4), 351-355, 2023
DOI 10.7906/indecs.21.4.4
Full text available in
pdf and
xml formats.
Accepted: 23rd July 2023.
Regular article
self-driving cars, acceptance, trust, hacking
ACM: J.4, K.4, H.1.1
APA: 4010
JEL: O18, R41
PACS: 01.70. + w